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Nordost 4Flat Biwire Speaker Cable - 6 Metre

4Flat is identical in construction to 2Flat but is doubled up to facilitate neat and simple
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Nordost 4Flat Biwire Speaker Cable - 6 Metre
4Flat is identical in construction to 2Flat but is doubled up to facilitate neat and simple Bi-Wiring / Bi-Amping. With increasingly high performance amplifiers and Bi-Wired loudspeakers being used in home theater systems 4Flat is the obvious choice for a neat and unobtrusive high quality cable installation.Insulation: Extruded FEP Conductor: x4 Flat rectangular Material: 99.9999% OFC Capacitance: 8.0pF/ft Inductance: 0.14uH/ft Propagation Delay: 90% speed of light Picture shows 2Flat and 4FlatCable comes in pre-cut lengths fitted with Nordost Z plugs, 2 at the amp end - 4 at the speaker end.  if you require a different configuration please email our sales team [email protected]. Select the required length using the options box on the right.See all Nordost Speaker Cables

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