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LG 1TB Desktop Hard Drive

Runs at 7200 rpm.1TB storage space.PC clone back up included.USB 2.0 interface.Power supply and USB
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Unbranded LG 1TB Desktop Hard Drive
Runs at 7200 rpm.1TB storage space.PC clone back up included.USB 2.0 interface.Power supply and USB cable included.Compatible with Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Mac OS 10.0.Holds up to 1000 movies.Holds up to 680,000 photos.Holds up to 200,000 songs.Size (H)18.5, (W)12.2, (W)3.6cm.Weight 0.93kg.Technical support 0870 607 5544,, [email protected].

The device is a registered trademark of Advanced System Technologies Limited.
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