Radica Games Funkeys - Boggle
UBFunkeys are a set of 24 highly collectible (and highly addictive) characters that build into a com
UBFunkeys are a set of 24 highly collectible (and highly addictive) characters that build into a complete population, with three members of 8 tribes to buy. And, although it would be fine and dandy if that was all to report, theres so much more besides. For, on connecting a UBFunkey to its hub, and the hub to your PC, each UBFunkey opens-up a whole immersive universe to discover and explore (UB Funkey Hub available separately - UB Funkeys Starter Kit). But Funkeytown needs your assistance if its to avoid a descent into chaos. Your task is to re-establish order and decency by completing tasks, avoiding nasties and collecting crystals right across the virtual town. But heres the trick. The more you collect, the more you can explore, particularly if youve got one of the rarer UBFunkeys out there, which grant you access to some rather fine and exclusive content by unlocking important new zones. Whats more exciting though, is that you cant order a specific Funkey Character - its completely random which Funkey youll receive, making it even more of a challenge to complete your set (There are currently 3 Funkeys in each Tribe). Some are also rarer than others! Truly spiffing. And, dare I say it, truly funky. Heres a bit more on the Boggle Tribe: The Boggle are eating machines. Theyre highly advanced digestive systems can process anything from the most poisonous spiders to raw iron. The Boggle break down any material and excrete a pure, sweet substance, similar to Peanut Butter, that is a staple for all Funkey diets. Nothing beats a Boggle Butter and Jelly sandwich with a warm glass of purple milk. The Boggles are an essential part of the Funkey society as the dispose of all waste with zero harm to the Funkey environment. Dont be scared by theČir hideous appearance, the Boggle wouldnt hurt a fly, unless it gets too close to their mouth - then theyll eat it. |