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Bhs Tefal just 20cm saucepan, black 9571238513

This Tefal Just grill pan features a durable non-stick interior and exterior, this aluminium pan not
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Bhs Tefal just 20cm saucepan, black 9571238513
This Tefal Just grill pan features a durable non-stick interior and exterior, this aluminium pan not only stops your food from sticking, avoiding the need for excessive fatty oil, but also protects the exterior from splattering grease so that cleaning up after dinner is an easier job. This Tefal cooking pan also includes a red dot which turns solid as part of thermospot technology, so that you know when its at the perfect temperature for sealing in the best flavours and vitamins in your food.

The device is a registered trademark of Advanced System Technologies Limited.
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