A Combat Flight Simulator of the Ka-50 “Black Shark” attack helicopter. |
| Black Shark on PC Features: | | * Advanced helicopter flight dynamics | * Detailed modelling of 330,000 sq km of the western Caucasus region | * Highly stable, head-to-head and cooperative multiplayer with unique data-link capability | * Powerful mission editor with advanced scripting capability | * Campaign system with a moving front line that depends on mission results | * Realistic damage model and system cascade affect | * Mouse-clickable cockpit | * Detailed modelling and control of engine, fuel, hydraulics, electrical, navigation, radio, fire suppression, sensor, and weapon systems (casual game play modes also available) | * Advanced weapon physics for missiles, rockets and cannon rounds including ricochets | * Support for TrackIR head tracker and Matrox TripleHead2Go multiple screens. |